We have something you need to know about Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries. This chiropractic clinic is far more advanced in clinical treatment of the whole you than you may be aware. Let's elaborate on this. Training of the chiropractic physician includes deep diagnostic training. That training includes conditions that are not treated at Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries like cancer, tuberculosis, infection, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc., but must be diagnosed in a patient coming for chiropractic treatment of spine and neuromuscular pain - lower back pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain - which may be brought about by cancer or infection.
A recent medical literature search shows that a review of 60 case reports, 2 case series, 21 commentaries, 2 survey studies, and 2 literature reviews on chiropractic diagnosis of cancer in patients who present to chiropractic physicians with pain. Our Manchester chiropractic practice sees this, too, not often thankfully, but we do see it. The chiropractic clinical encounter prior to cancer diagnosis and subsequent medical referral is poorly characterized in the literature. Such documentation of the role of chiropractic in diagnosis is vital for best clinical outcome treatment at Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries and other chiropractic clinics because a recent study about integrative cancer therapies showed cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.4 million deaths in 2004. By 2030, deaths from cancer have been estimated at 12 million with 30% being preventable. (1)
Now, patients with cancer do seek the care of chiropractors. The published literature does not reflect or describe the totality of the chiropractic clinical encounter. We chiropractic clinicians alongside researchers want and encourage further research in this field. Complementary and alternative medicine remains popular among cancer patients, particularly chiropractic services. (1) Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries is trained to recognize cancer, most commonly of the spine, and to make the proper treatment recommendations. It is imperative that Manchester chiropractic patients at Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries be of this fact and feel increased confidence in our examination and care.
Further, Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries continually watches our patients who are on cholesterol lowering drugs who present with muscle pain and soreness. Lipitor is one such drug. Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries recognizes the need to consider HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (cholesterol lowering drugs) as a cause of severe lower limb muscle symptoms. (2) This is another example of Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries's vigilance in your overall treatment.
Finally, your chiropractor at Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries appreciates that the intensity of chronic lower back pain often negatively influences patients' quality of life. Your Manchester chiropractor understands this: there are significant differences in the pain stimulus response between chronic low back pain patients and healthy persons. For example, chronic low back pain patients respond and rate low to moderate skin pinpricks more strongly and not just for the affected body site like the back but also for other parts of the body like the hands. Such increased sensitivity is caused by changes in nerve processing at higher levels of the brain in such patients. (3) Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries understands the increased pain sensitivity you may experience with your chronic back pain and takes this into account in your treatment plan.
These points are shared with you to build your knowledge and confidence in the chiropractic training, clinical expertise and ability of your chiropractic physician at Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries. Your health benefits and relief will reflect this heightened awareness of Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries and its diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Contact Manchester Chiropractic & Sports Injuries today.
- contributed by guest author, James M. Cox, DC, DACBR, Diplomate, American Chiropractic Board or Radiology, and developer of Cox Technic.